Parliamentary questions (16 November 2015)

Parliamentary questions (16 November 2015)

Question for written answer to the Commission (Vice-President/High Representative)
Rule 130
Marietje Schaake (ALDE)


Subject:  VP/HR — Violation of a UN arms embargo


On 12 November, the New York Times revealed that the United Arab Emirates was shipping weapons to Libya over the summer of 2015 in violation of a United Nations arms embargo. Leaked emails suggest that arms shipments by the UAE continued at least through August 2015 and that the highest level of government was involved in this policy(1).

1. How do the VP/HR and/or the EEAS assess the article that appeared in the New York Times, and were they aware of this situation?

2. Have the VP/HR and/or EEAS addressed this issue with the Government of the UAE and, if not, how do they plan to do so in the future?

3. How do the VP/HR and/or EEAS plan to make sure that United Nations arms embargoes are fully respected in the future, in cooperation also with international partners?



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